SCORISTA Hotline +7 (495) 268-09-63
Credit assessment technologies that will help you to earn more
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$ 766 615 575
30 664 623
Maria Veikhman
CEO and founder of SCORISTA.
We have been working hard for many years to create the most effective credit assessment service. SCORISTA is that kind of service that can solve all of the risk management problems in any credit organization. But our specialization is the non-bank lending — the microfinance market.
This specialization allows us to guarantee our clients a considerable revenue increase and reduction of losses from non-performing loans and fraud.
SCORISTA provides possibility to solve any specific task. For example, lenders can easily increase the level of approval. Or start to work with refused applications and to significantly improve the accuracy of the credit forecast.
We help big companies that have their own risk department to achieve desired KPI, allowing to create scoring models faster and to use their resources more effectively.
For medium-sized lenders, we provide much needed support in workflow automation. We provide risk managers and underwriters with applications approval speed increase and also the accuracy of their scoring.
And as for the new companies, that are about to enter the microfinance market, SCORISTA helps them to get to work quickly and to reach break-even point without any extra cost, just using the correct adjustments of borrower assessment mechanisms. As soon as possible.